¿Por qué debería confiar en la calidad de nuestros aceites esenciales?

Agricultura ecológica

No utilizamos productos químicos (fertilizantes o insecticidas) y empleamos técnicas de  agricultura adaptadas a un modo de producción ecológico.


Favorecemos las condiciones para que la planta pueda desarrollarse en su hábitat natural, facilitando su reproducción y recuperando una flora aromática espontánea.

Producción local

No compramos ni importamos. Toda el valor añadido derivado de nuestro trabajo tiene su origen en la flora espontánea y en la mano de obra local.

Exploitation of wild plants

Plants are collected manually in their natural environment at the appropriate time of the year. The cultivation process, which does not use additional watering nor synthetic fertilisers, allows the production of essential oils with extraordinary aromatic and medicinal properties.

Reproduction of aromatic plants

The distillation of aromatic plants to obtain essential oils requires several tons of plants to produce just a few litres of their appreciated essence. Currently, it is no longer possible to collect such a big amount of plants in their natural environment due to intensive farming practices, soil desertification and deforestation of the region.

The seeds containing the best genetic material are carefully selected in their natural environment. They grown firstly in the nursery and are later moved to the greenhouse. In the proper time, they are reintroduced into their natural habitats, just with some water supply. Thus, little by little, these plants reoccupy the original areas where they used to occur spontaneously.

Steam distillation

After manually collecting the plants with the help of a sickle, their essential oils are extracted using a stainless steel alembic by means of steam distillation. This process allows the preservation of all the scents and active principles and thereby guarantees the quality of our essential oils.

The essential oils can be used in air fresheners and diffusers, aromatherapy, or even in the manufacturing of natural cosmetic products.


We have recently started beekeeping as a complement to our main farming activity. The thousands plants we have already planted in our farm, apart from their use in the production of essential oils, also provide an excellent source for bees to produce a superb aromatic honey.